

Agriculture continues to be the most predominant sector of the Mayiladuthurai District economy, as some percent of the population is engaged in Agriculture and allied activities for their livelihood. Government policy and objectives have been to ensure stability in agricultural production and to increase the agricultural production in a sustainable manner to meet the food requirement of growing population and also to meet the raw material needs of agro based industries, thereby providing employment opportunities to the rural population.The Agriculture Department has taken up the challenge to achieve higher growth rate in agriculture by implementing several development schemes and also propagation of relevant technologies to step up the production and also given priority to improve the economic status of the farming community of the Mayiladuthurai District.

The main objectives and functions of the department of agriculture are

  • To double the productity and tripling the farmers income
  • To ensure stability in agricultural production and to increase the agricultural production in a sustainable manner to meet the food requirement of growing population
  • To meet the raw material needs of agro based industries, thereby providing employment opportunities to the rural population.
  • To produce and distribute quality seeds and critical inputs
  • To disseminate the improved production technologies for getting maximum productivity thereby increases the farmer’s income
  • To ensure the fertilizer requirement for the farmers at critical phases of growth
  • To organize On and Off Campus Trainings, Result Demonstration, Adoptive Researcg Trails, Awarness programmes, Village level Meetings and other extension activities at field level
  • The Agriculture Department has taken up the challenge to achieve higher growth rate in agriculture by implementing several development schemes and also propagation of relevant technologies to step up the production.
  • To fetch better return and value addition to agricultural produce are also given priority to improve the economic status of the farming community.

Organisation Chart



Schemes / Programmes

Besides crop diversification, various schemes are being implemented in the district disseminate improved production technologies for increasing the productivity of Agricultural crops, as

  • Pradhan Manthri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) on water management through Micro irrigation systems
  • Pradhan Manthri Fasal Bhima Yojana (PMFBY) as new crop insurance scheme
  • Mission on Sustainable Dryland Agriculture (MSDA) to increase the production and productivity of dry land crops
  • Collective Farming to increase the income of small and marginal famers
  • National Mission on Sustainble Agriculture (NMSA) for Soil health improvement through Bio-fertiliser including Green Manuring, adoption of Integrated Nutrient Management (INM)
  • National Agricultural Development Programme (NADP) for Paddy, Millets, Pulses, Oilseeds, Sugarcane, Coconut and Green Manures
  • National Mission on Oilseeds and Oilpalm (NMOOP)
  • National Food Security Mission (NFSM) for Paddy, Pulses and Commercial crops
  • Coconut Development Board (CDB) Schemes
  • Sub Mission on Seeds and Planting Materials (SMSP) for Paddy, Pulses and Oilseeds
  • Special schemes on Kuruvai and Samba packages
  • Support to State Extension Programmes for Extension Reforms Scheme (SSEPERS – ATMA)


Contact Office Address
Joint Director of Agriculture,

cell: 9443834689

Dupty Director of Agriculture,

Cell 9842659956

PA to Collector

Cell 9944669129